Top 4 Hurom slow juicer models for the best experience today

Embracing convenience and health benefits, the trend of using Hurom slow juicersis steadily gaining popularity. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the top 4 Hurom slow juicers available today.

Where Does Hurom Slow Juicer Originate?

About two months ago, my household’s juicer broke down, prompting me to consider a newer and more convenient replacement. After researching various juicer options, I stumbled upon the Hurom slow juicer brand from South Korea. Upon delving into the advantages of slow juicers compared to conventional ones, such as producing denser and more plentiful juice, preventing separation, and, most importantly, preserving nutrients, I decided to purchase one for my family. After a period of usage, I am ready to review my experience and the Hurom slow juicer models I have explored.
Let’s start with a brief introduction to the Hurom brand. Honestly, I haven’t seen all their products, but merely hearing the brand’s name makes me want to own one of their juicers instantly.

Hurom is a brand that specializes in creating health-centric tools and appliances for human well-being. Among their products, the slow fruit juicer stands out prominently. With over 40 years of development, Hurom has achieved success not only in the juicer market but also in crafting products that are beneficial to humanity. Consequently, it has earned its reputation as a renowned fruit juicer brand<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> in South Korea, specializing in producing products that enhance human well-being. With over 45 years of dignified existence and continuous development, this brand has introduced advanced technologies to provide the best experience for users. Therefore, it is the top priority brand globally, especially for Hurom slow juicers, which have been exported to 85 countries, becoming the perfect choice for households that require regular juice consumption, including Vietnam.

From the first time I explored their products, I was overwhelmed by the diverse range of Hurom juicers, boasting numerous models with exceptional features. The good news is that Hurom’s slow fruit juicer products are now available through direct import and distribution in our country, allowing me to make a purchase promptly without the hassle of international orders typically associated with premium foreign products.

Real-World Experience with the Top 4 Best-Selling Hurom Slow Juicers on the Market Today

Hurom H200 Slow Juicer

Hurom H200 Slow Juicer

An Overview of the Design

Hurom H200 is the latest slow juicer model released in 2020 by the Hurom brand. After careful consideration, I decided to purchase this gem for my family. First and foremost, the product boasts a beautiful design, high-quality plastic construction, and a modern, premium design down to the smallest detail, capturing my heart from the very first glance.
It features an intelligent juicing mechanism with a large container that can hold plenty of fruits without the need for chopping. The robust fruit cutting compartment can easily shred fruits before pushing them into the juicing chamber.

The juicing chamber, located at the end, utilizes a high-quality plastic mesh that is durable and resistant to breakage, unlike steel mesh.

The detachable filter mesh makes cleaning quick and hassle-free.

It incorporates an auto-stop feature, ensuring safety in case you forget to turn off the power.

Notably, this product is equipped with a noise-reduction motor and anti-vibration system, along with anti-slip feet, ensuring stability on any surface.

Real-World Experience During Use

Upon initial use, I noticed that this slow juicer takes significantly more time compared to traditional juicers. It takes about 3-5 minutes to produce a single glass of juice, whereas traditional juicers on the market only require 1-3 minutes. However, the quality is exceptional. The juice retains its flavor and color, resembling fresh consumption, especially without the usual froth found in regular juice. The pulp is almost completely dry, preserving six times more vitamins and containing twice the water content compared to when using traditional juicers. Besides fruits, the Hurom H200 slow juicer can also handle various green vegetables like kale, celery, and pre-soaked legumes, offering flexibility in creating suitable beverages for the family.
Through research, I discovered that this product doesn’t employ high-speed blades or centrifugal force but rather uses the LSTS auger screw technology, with a rotation speed of 43 revolutions per minute. It gently grinds and squeezes the ingredients naturally, without generating heat, thereby preserving the full range of nutrients and flavors in fruits and vegetables.


Large Juicing Chamber, No Need for Fruit Pre-Cutting

The most outstanding feature of this slow juicer is the spacious fruit hopper and wide-mouthed lid, allowing you to juice many large pieces of fruit without the need for chopping.
I usually prepare and store cut fruits in advance in the refrigerator, so in the morning, all I need to do is pour them into the juicer, resulting in a quick and convenient breakfast. This is perfect for those with busy mornings.

Equipped with an ice cream-making feature suitable for households with young children

Additionally, you can use the Hurom H200 to create refreshing fruit ice cream for your family, especially for those with young children. Since this is a new-generation Hurom H201 slow juicer, it comes with an ice cream mesh component. Simply use frozen ingredients, and the powerful blades will quickly blend them into delicious and nutritious fruit ice cream within 10 minutes, right in the comfort of your home.

Quick and Easy Disassembly for Cleaning

The juicer is easy to disassemble and clean. After use, you can simply open the fruit hopper and juicing chamber and rinse them under the faucet, and they’ll be clean. The machine’s body is made from premium, durable plastic, so you can easily wipe it clean with a damp cloth.


High Price Point, Highest Among Hurom Slow Juicer Models

Along with its outstanding features comes a relatively high price tag. Initially, I had some reservations about the cost, but after using it for some time, I believe it’s a wise investment. The product offers smart features, durability, and nutritious juice production that meets the needs of the entire family.

Plastic Filter Mesh May Not Be Preferred

The plastic filter mesh with small holes may tend to get clogged with fiber and pulp from fruits with high fiber content. However, it’s easy to disassemble for cleaning, so this doesn’t pose a significant issue during use.

Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer

Next up is the Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer, a gift I got for my mother on her birthday last July 10th. With a capacity of 450ml and a family of five, we can easily juice for everyone in one go. With its affordable price and versatile features, I didn’t hesitate to buy it for our family.

An Overview of the Design

Striking and Elegant Design

I applaud the incredibly stylish design of this product; it’s compact and visually appealing, resembling a high-end coffee machine. Its cylindrical shape with a black tone exudes an air of elegance and cleanliness. The smoothly rounded edges eliminate any sense of ruggedness found in the H200 model. The matte finish and subtle color palette make it a standout addition to any kitchen, ideal for households with limited space.


Spacious Juicing Compartment, Smaller Than the Premium H200 Model

The Hurom H-AI also boasts a wide juicing compartment, featuring a large funnel that allows us to juice a considerable amount of fruits at once. If you want to mix various fruits, you can use the automatic blending stick to mix them without adding ingredients multiple times.
It comes with 14 accessories, more than the H200 model we use at home, offering you a variety of options suitable for different types of fruits and vegetables.


Tight Connection Between the Juicing Compartment and the Collection Bin (Both a Plus and a Minus)

The machine’s connection part is straightforward in design, making it easy to disassemble after each use and clean without much effort. However, this simplicity also presents a downside: the connection is small, leading to a tight space between the juicing compartment and the collection bin. This can sometimes trap pulp in the juice, especially from fibrous or hard-seeded fruits. Therefore, it’s best to avoid juicing items like sugarcane, as they can either cause clogs or damage the connection part of the machine.

Pulp Can Easily Mix with the Juice

A minor drawback of this juicer is that some pulp is immediately released into the collection bin, which can be inconvenient if you want to remove the pulp while juicing, especially for larger families. In my mother’s household, with five people and occasional visitors, using the juicer often requires two rounds to provide fresh and delicious juice for everyone.

Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer

An Overview of the Design

The design of the Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer is elegantly simple, in line with other juicer models. It boasts a modern design with refined, sophisticated colors that elevate the aesthetics of your kitchen or juice bar. The juicer’s components are cast from premium materials like ABS plastic, Tritan, and Ultem, enhancing the product’s value and durability.


Lightweight and Compact

The juicer’s total weight is 4.8kg, lighter than other models from the same brand. Its sleek and compact design allows you to place it in small kitchen spaces without taking up much room.

Continuous Juicing Without the Need to Fill the Hopper

Thanks to advanced technology, the Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer can juice continuously. You can mix various ingredients in varying quantities to suit the preferences of each family member. Unlike other juicers that require you to load all ingredients at once, as they only operate when the lid is securely closed, this juicer allows you to get creative with your recipes. Additionally, the intelligent stopper prevents sudden spills or misalignment of the collection cup, ensuring a quick and clean juicing process.
This juicer can operate continuously for 30 minutes without overheating, optimizing its use, making it a popular choice in juice bars.


Lower Power Output at 150W

Upon investigation, it’s found that this juicer utilizes similar juicing technology as other products but with a lower power output of just 150W. However, it compensates with a continuous juicing time of under 30 minutes. Therefore, it’s advisable to feed the juicer fruits gradually to avoid overloading it, which could affect its longevity.

Not 100% Pulp-Free

Due to its lower power compared to the H200 or H-AI models, this juicer isn’t entirely free from a few drawbacks, such as some pulp remaining in the collection cup or pulp dryness reaching about 95%.

Hurom Diva S Slow Juicer (Hurom H-100) Hurom Diva S Slow Juicer

A Glimpse of the Design

The Hurom Diva S slow juicer boasts a completely new design compared to other Hurom juicer models. It’s more compact, with rounded edges and a streamlined base. When I visited the store, I noticed that this model has a smooth finish and exudes an elegant and classic charm, perfect for those who appreciate timeless sophistication.
Improvements Over Previous Models

It features a convenient rotary power button, which is more user-friendly than the traditional push-button design found in typical juicers.

The rear support column has been streamlined, making the juicer more compact and suitable for small kitchen spaces, minimizing kitchen footprint.

The pulp container is no longer attached directly to the machine, making it easy to disassemble and clean during use.


Inclined Design for Faster Juice Extraction

The inclined design facilitates faster juice flow, yielding more juice and preserving a significant portion of nutrients and vitamins in fruits, vegetables, and herbs, as the juice remains well-mixed without layering or oxidation. This is a notable improvement over previous juicer models.
Additionally, the juicer features a built-in water level gauge, allowing you to easily monitor the water level during juicing, especially useful when juicing soft ingredients like strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, and various leafy greens.

Affordable Pricing

Compared to other Hurom slow juicers on the market, the Diva S offers a more budget-friendly price while employing similar technologies. With a juicing speed ranging from 40 to 80 revolutions per minute, it produces nutrient-rich, visually appealing juices. If you’re in search of a high-quality slow juicer that suits your budget, the Diva S is worth considering.

Potential Drawbacks

Small Dual Hopper Requires Pre-cutting Ingredients

Due to the small dual hopper design, you’ll need to pre-cut your ingredients into smaller pieces before feeding them into the juicer. This may add some extra preparation time, so it’s something to consider if you have a busy schedule.

Small Juice Collection Chamber (350ml) Suitable for Small Households

In my opinion, the Hurom Diva S slow juicer is ideal for those who prefer a compact design with a juice collection chamber that holds just 350ml. It’s suitable for households with 2-4 members. However, for larger families like mine with 6 members, I’d opt for a juicer with a larger capacity. Nonetheless, if you have a smaller family and are looking for a smart juicer at an affordable price, don’t overlook this product. Its affordability and efficiency make it a great choice.
If you’re on a health journey and need nutritious juices for daily consumption to boost your well-being, detoxify your body, or support your weight loss goals, consider investing in a slow juicer for your family. I’ve shared the pros and cons of the most popular Hurom slow juicer models on the market today. Hopefully, this information will help you choose the product that best suits your needs.

You can also visit the website: to purchase genuine Hurom slow juicers and explore the world’s leading horizontal slow juicers from Angel Juicer with the most attractive promotional prices!


What is Hurom Slow Juicer?

Hurom Slow Juicer is a renowned juicer brand from South Korea, specializing in products that bring convenience to users. With its slow juicing technology, the machine retains the essential nutrients and delicious taste of fruits and vegetables.

What are the benefits of using a Hurom Slow Juicer compared to regular juicers?

Hurom Slow Juicer produces a denser, more abundant juice that doesn’t separate and retains more nutrients compared to regular juicers.

What’s special about the Hurom H200 Slow Juicer?

The Hurom H200 Slow Juicer features a modern design, high-quality materials, and an intelligent juicing mechanism. It also has noise reduction, anti-vibration, and an auto-shutoff feature for safety.

What are the advantages of the Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer?

The Hurom H-AI Slow Juicer boasts a contemporary design, lightweight, and can operate continuously for 30 minutes without overheating.

What are the drawbacks of using a Hurom Slow Juicer?

Some drawbacks might include a higher price, the pulp might mix with the juice, and it may have a lower power compared to some other models.

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