Top 10 notes when buying a slow juicer that everyone needs to know

With outstanding advantages compared to fast juicers such as: protecting and extracting more minerals, enzymes and vitamins, longer juice preservation time, simple design and easy to use… This causing the demand for slow juicers to increase. The increase in demand also causes a greater number of press manufacturers to appear, from low to high quality, and the prices are also extremely diverse. So how to choose the slow juicer that is right for you? Let’s take a look at with the notes that everyone needs to know when buying a slow juicer.

Discovering the Perfect Juicer: Tailored to Your Unique Needs

The first invaluable piece of advice, whispered by the sages of, when navigating the vast landscape of juicers, is to select a model that harmonizes with your needs and your wallet’s desires. In the contemporary world, slow juicers undergo a perpetual metamorphosis, evolving their designs and features in a never-ending quest to deliver unmatched convenience to consumers. However, it’s essential to decipher that not all these flashy features are a match made in heaven for every user, nor will they grace your daily existence once you make the choice. Some of these features, cunningly incorporated by manufacturers, are mere marketing ploys or cost-inflating frills that do little more than flaunt themselves like peacocks on parade. On other occasions, these features might simply exist to perpetuate the annual cycle of releasing new models, offering minimal actual utility to the end-user.

Hence, the path to enlightenment lies in evaluating your personal daily cravings and desires with discerning eyes. Do you yearn for a humble fruit-squishing machine, or is your intention to let it serve as the Swiss Army knife of your culinary endeavors?

As you tread the labyrinthine corridors of juicer selection, remember that wisdom lies not only in the choice but also in the simplicity of the path you take. In the end, it’s not just about the machine; it’s about the experience, the blend of artistry and practicality that makes your daily rituals flourish.

Choosing the Right Capacity Juicer for Your Household

Selecting the appropriate capacity for your juicer is the next pivotal step in your quest to find the perfect fruit-squishing companion for your family. First, take a moment to ponder the size of your household. How many souls dwell under your roof, and do they partake in the elixir of freshly squeezed fruits with regularity? Then, delve into the realm of juicer models, seeking those with reservoir capacities tailored to your family’s thirst.

Here are some pearls of wisdom, graciously imparted by, for your contemplation:

  • For households with 2 to 4 members, a juicer reservoir with a 500 ml capacity should suffice.
  • If your family boasts more than 4 members or indulges in a frequent and unrelenting juice binge, opt for a reservoir with a capacious 700 ml or more.
  • For those visionary souls wielding juicers as part of their entrepreneurial endeavors, gravitate towards slow juicer models flaunting reservoirs no less than 1000 ml. Steer clear of the pint-sized reservoirs, for their constant disassembly and reassembly will not only steal your precious time but also shorten the lifespan of your prized appliance.

The vessel that holds your liquid gold is not just a container; it’s a reservoir of possibility, a testament to foresight, and an emblem of the future’s zestful indulgence. Choose wisely, and let the fruits of your choice flow freely.

The Material Matters: Components of Slow Juicers

Slow juicers often come with a loftier price tag compared to their conventional counterparts. Hence, it’s imperative to prioritize machines crafted from premium materials. This choice not only ensures the longevity of your investment but also influences the very elixir that graces your daily sip. Opting for top-tier materials guarantees minimal wear and tear over the years of use. Moreover, it safeguards your daily quaff from any potential contaminants when the juicer generates a touch of warmth. The ideal preference here is to gravitate towards juicers fashioned from the likes of Inox (stainless steel). In addition, biodegradable plastics or high-quality plastic variants are also prudent selections to ponder.

For those embracing juicers hewn from plastic realms, it’s paramount to ensure these plastics are devoid of BPA (Bisphenol A), a sinister chemical often found in plastics. This not only safeguards your health but also elevates the cleanliness quotient, thanks to BPA-free plastics’ innate resistance to grime and gunk accumulation. In the realm of slow juicers, it’s not just about the squeeze; it’s about the sanctity of the squeeze, and the choice of material is your guide to a sip that’s not just refreshing but also reassuringly pure.

Rotational Speed and Motor Power: The Heart of Slow Juicers

In the realm of traditional juicers, you often seek machines that rev at breakneck speeds, whirling their blades at over 1200 revolutions per minute. But when it comes to the elegant world of slow juicers, the game changes dramatically. Here, what truly matters is the harmonious symphony of rotational speed and motor power. Keep a keen eye on these twin attributes when you embark on your slow juicer quest. You’re not looking for a whirlwind; you’re looking for a gentle waltz.

What you seek, my discerning friend, is a juicer with a rotational speed in the tranquil range of 40-60 revolutions per minute. This is the sweet spot, the hallowed ground where slow juicers work their magic. At this pace, the auger dances gracefully through the ingredients, never raising its temperature, ensuring that the precious vitamins and minerals nestled within your fruits and veggies remain undisturbed.

Avoid the siren call of juicers boasting speeds exceeding 80 revolutions per minute. For, as a general rule, the faster they spin, the less they squeeze. High-speed juicers tend to generate more heat, compromising the longevity of your produce and the nutritional value of your elixir.

As for the powerhouse behind your juicer, opt for models with ample motor power. A feeble motor lacks the torque required to navigate the twists and turns of fibrous vegetables, and it’s more prone to jamming. With a minimum power rating of 120W, you ensure that your juicer wields the force needed to conquer even the toughest of produce. In the world of slow juicers, it’s all about the balance between gentle revolutions and robust power, ensuring that every drop of liquid gold is extracted with finesse.

Features, Versatility, and Companion Accessories

In the grand tapestry of technological advancement, today’s slow juicers have transcended their primary function of fruit and vegetable extraction, boasting a rich tapestry of additional features and utilities. Among the treasure trove of these supplementary capabilities, one finds the enchanting ability to churn out delectable ice creams, craft tantalizing jams, and even birth nutritious nut milks. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a galaxy of other nifty attributes that can elevate your juicing experience to new heights.

Imagine the convenience of a juicer that senses when it’s grappling with excess produce and gracefully shuts down to prevent overload. Envision a machine that, when faced with an obstinate clog, reverses its course to clear the blockage with finesse. Visualize the sheer efficiency of a juicer that autonomously dices and minces your fruits and veggies to perfection. These are just a few of the standout features that make your juicing journey smoother and more delightful.

But it’s not just about the juicer’s intrinsic abilities; it’s also about the companions it brings along. In the world of modern juicers, manufacturers generously bestow an assortment of accessories, creating a symphony of choices tailored to your needs, culinary aspirations, and the very nature of the ingredients you intend to pulverize.

These accessories, like a chef’s arsenal of knives, provide you with the tools to curate your juicing experience. They empower you to tailor your creations, transforming the act of juicing into a creative endeavor. So, as you delve into the world of slow juicers, don’t just consider the machine; think of it as a partner in gastronomic exploration, a canvas for your culinary dreams, and a gateway to a world of infinite flavors and possibilities.

Origin and Trustworthy Brands

In the bustling marketplace, you’ll find an abundance of slow juicer brands originating from various corners of the globe. This diversity can be both a boon and a bane for discerning consumers like you. It’s a boon because this multitude of brands offers a wide spectrum of features and price points. It allows you the luxury of cherry-picking a product that aligns perfectly with your needs and your budget. However, it’s a double-edged sword as well. While the sheer variety is advantageous, it can also lead to a potential minefield of pitfalls.

Here’s where the wisdom of choice truly shines. Many slow juicer brands inundate their products with a barrage of features, some genuinely useful, while others merely inflate the price tag. It’s crucial for users to tread wisely, separating the wheat from the chaff. Research diligently, understand your usage needs, and steer clear of those bells and whistles that may never grace your juicing rituals.

There exists a constellation of renowned brands in the slow juicer cosmos, beckoning your consideration. Names like Angel Juicer, Tribest, Hurom, Panasonic, Bluestone, Kalite, and more have etched their reputations in the annals of juicing excellence. They are the North Stars of trustworthiness in a vast juicing galaxy.

But the journey doesn’t end with choosing a reputable brand. Equally vital is your choice of where to make this gastronomic investment. Your selection of a vendor can cast a long shadow on your post-purchase experience. In the realm of slow juicers, prices don’t fluctuate dramatically, so your focus should shift towards selecting a trustworthy retailer. This ensures a seamless journey in the realm of juicing and a lifeline of support for your machine’s future needs.

In the orchestra of juicing choices, let your selection of brand and retailer be the harmonious chords that resonate with your culinary aspirations, ensuring that every drop of juice is a symphony of satisfaction.

Pricing in the World of Slow Juicers

The surge in demand for slow juicers has paved the way for a diverse landscape of juicer brands, each offering a spectrum of prices to cater to the discerning buyer. In today’s marketplace, you can embark on your juicing journey with options ranging from the budget-friendly, priced between 1 to 5 million Vietnamese dong, to the mid-range performers, falling in the 7 to 15 million VND bracket. And for those seeking the pinnacle of juicing excellence, the premium tier awaits, often commanding prices exceeding 15 million VND. In the rarefied air of slow juicers, there’s even a class that goes beyond, exemplified by the revered Angel Juicer, hailed as the world’s finest since its debut in 1982, boasting a price tag soaring above 33 million VND.

The price divide in this juicing arena is a reflection of technological prowess. The more cutting-edge and advanced the features, the higher the price point. Take, for instance, the likes of Angel Juicer and Tribest. These rare breeds incorporate exclusive ceramic core technology within their augers, maintaining the cold-press integrity that safeguards the quality of your liquid elixir and extends its shelf life. It’s innovations like these that drive the price tag into the stratosphere.

The choice, my juicing aficionado, rests upon your needs and your financial prowess. It’s a decision that balances your juicing aspirations with the contents of your wallet. Whether you opt for an entry-level juicer or a flagship model, the world of slow juicers invites you to embark on a tantalizing journey of taste and nutrition, where every sip is a step closer to wellness and gastronomic bliss.

Design and Aesthetic Appeal of Fruit Juicers

When you choose to invest in a fruit juicer for your home, the design and style of the machine should also be on your radar. Beyond its utilitarian purpose, a fruit juicer is an integral part of your kitchen decor. A well-designed juicer can enhance the aesthetics of your kitchen space, transforming it into a haven of beauty and sophistication.

If you have an eye for beauty and a penchant for convenience, carefully consider your choice before adding a slow juicer to your family’s kitchen ensemble. A modern, sleek design can elevate the ambiance of your kitchen, making it not just a workspace but a statement of elegance. So, whether you prioritize aesthetics or functionality, remember that your juicer can be a tasteful addition to your culinary sanctuary.

Exploring the Cream of the Crop: Top Slow Juicer Brands

When it comes to slow juicers, the brand you choose is paramount. Renowned, established brands invest extensive research and meticulous testing into their products before launching them into the market. As a result, their offerings often boast superior durability and performance. However, this level of quality often comes with a higher price tag.

On the flip side, lesser-known or emerging brands may offer more budget-friendly options, and their products can still deliver commendable quality. However, determining the true worth of these products often requires hands-on experience, as they may not have the same extensive user community and feedback as their more established counterparts. Venturing into these lesser-known brands can be an adventure, and your decision may require a bit more exploration compared to opting for the tried-and-true.

Here’s a selection of some of the top slow juicer brands in Vietnam for your consideration: Angel Juicer, Tribest, Hurom slow juicers, Panasonic, Kuving, Kalite, and Bluestone.

Exploring the Cream of the Crop: Top Slow Juicer Recommendations

To provide our readers with informed choices before deciding to purchase any slow juicer on the market, we present the top 5 slow juicer models that recommends for your consideration:

  • Angel Juicer 5500: This is one of the most premium slow juicers globally, featuring a unique twin-gear design distinct from other slow juicers on the market. The dual gears facilitate thorough fruit processing. Moreover, this design ensures smooth operation, capable of grinding and juicing any type of fruit or tough, fibrous vegetables without clogging.
  • Panasonic PAVH-MJ-L500SRA: Highly regarded for its quality and affordability, the Panasonic PAVH-MJ-L500SRA is manufactured in Japan. This juicer boasts a compact, elegant design that is easy to move and store. With its substantial power and a large-sized juicing screw, it can handle various fruits, including hard and frozen produce.
  • Kalite KL-530 Slow Juicer: This modern-looking juicer in a stylish shade of green combines a 200W motor with a slow juicing speed of 60 revolutions per minute, saving users time and effort during use.
  • Tribest Greenstar® Elite Jumbo Twin Gear: Another premium twin-gear slow juicer that’s a must-consider if you appreciate top-tier horizontal slow juicers. This juicer uses bioceramic materials inside its gears, creating a focused magnetic field that restructures the juice’s composition. This results in the absorption of more vitamins, minerals, and valuable nutrients, enhancing your fruit juice’s nutritional value.

  • Hurom H300: When it comes to vertical slow juicers, one of the best globally is Hurom, and the Hurom H300 model stands out. It features a simple, elegant design with a variety of colors to suit different home spaces. Additionally, it boasts the largest feeding tube on the market, allowing it to process nearly any fruit without the need for extensive chopping.

These are all the essential insights you need to know about slow juicers before making a purchase decision that aligns with your budget. If you feel there’s anything missing in this article, please don’t hesitate to reach out to to share your input with us. Additionally, you can explore our sideline news section for more valuable information we’ve compiled for you.


How do I choose a slow juicer that suits my needs?

When choosing a slow juicer, consider your daily needs, select a model that fits your budget, and avoid features that are only for marketing purposes.

What should be the capacity of the slow juicer’s container?

The container’s capacity should match the number of family members. For a family of 2-4, choose 500ml, and for larger families or frequent use, opt for 700ml or more.

Which material is best for a slow juicer?

Stainless steel is the best choice. Bioplastics or high-quality plastics without BPA are also good options.

What should be the rotation speed and motor power of a slow juicer?

The rotation speed should be around 40-60 rotations per minute. The minimum power for a slow juicer is 120W.

How do I know if a slow juicer brand is reputable?

Opt for well-known and reputable brands in the market such as Angel Juicer, Tribest, Hurom, Panasonic, and Bluestone.

Source: Here

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