Top 15 Quang Ninh beaches worth experiencing when traveling

Bãi biển Quan Lạn - Vân Đồn

It can be said that Vietnam is one of the resort paradises with many beautiful beaches, famous both domestically and internationally. In particular, Quang Ninh is a province that possesses famous scenic spots across five continents. At the same time, there are also many beautiful beaches of international stature. Let’s join and take a look at the 15 most wonderful beaches in Quang Ninh when you come here to travel.

Trà Cổ Beach: Vietnam’s Hidden Gem

In the province of Quảng Ninh, there exists a mysterious gem that exudes raw beauty and leaves an indelible mark on every traveler’s heart. That hidden treasure is none other than Trà Cổ Beach. The people of Quảng Ninh take immense pride in possessing one of Vietnam’s most stunning beaches. Exploring this paradise, you’ll find yourself spellbound by the superlatives it boasts: the longest coastline, an unspoiled beach near the border, and a claim to being the most romantic beach one can imagine.

Trà Cổ Beach
Stepping onto the soft, powdery sands, you’ll be immersed in a vibrant tableau painted with deep azure waters that resemble precious gemstones. The magnetic allure of Trà Cổ Beach in Quảng Ninh ensnares countless wanderers. The idyllic scenery of sunrise or sunset at Trà Cổ is an experience no traveler should ever miss.

Join the local fishermen, embrace the coastal way of life, and savor the distinct flavors of fresh, delectable seafood. As you wander along the shoreline, be sure to pause at Sa Vĩ Cape and capture those unforgettable moments as you set foot on this land of sun and breeze.

Trà Cổ Beach
Trà Cổ is often likened to a tender masterpiece of nature—a place where the pristine white sands seamlessly blend with the crystal-clear blue waters. What sets it apart is its remarkable coastline that stretches for more than 15 kilometers. This vast expanse accentuates the natural beauty, evoking serenity and romance. The landscape here is distinct from the likes of Hạ Long or Đồ Sơn. Trà Cổ boasts soft, velvety sands and crystalline waters reminiscent of many famous beaches in Central Vietnam, complemented by the grandeur of Northern-style seaside mountains.

Trà Cổ—a perfect masterpiece of nature along Quảng Ninh’s coast—harmoniously combines rivers, mountains, the sea, and the sky. It carries an enchanting, endearing, and mystical charm. Once you set foot here, you’ll undoubtedly yearn to return.

Ti Top Beach: A Shining Jewel Amidst Halong Bay

When it comes to breathtaking destinations along the shores of Quang Ninh, there is one place that undoubtedly steals the limelight – Halong Bay, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. It’s not just the Vietnamese who are enamored; international travelers also yearn to uncover and explore the enchanting beauty of this place.

Ti Top Beach
Nestled within the heart of Halong Bay, Ti Top Beach emerges like a radiant gem amidst the sea. Its name may be short, but it is shrouded in mystery and allure. Just about 1 km from Bo Nau Cave, Ti Top Island resembles a picturesque canvas, with one side featuring towering cliffs, while the other showcases a soft, pristine white sandy beach at its feet. If you have the chance, you’ll surely be awe-inspired by the pure and untouched natural beauty of this place.

Ti Top Beach is not merely a stop for tourist boats from both near and far. It is renowned for its moon-like beauty, pure white sands, and crystal-clear, gem-like waters. Here, a plethora of amenities cater to travelers, from beachside bars to services offering swimsuit rentals and jet skis, all aimed at providing visitors with the most relaxing and exhilarating moments amidst the majestic natural surroundings.

Ti Top Beach
What’s remarkable is that despite its modest size, Ti Top Beach continues to captivate a diverse array of tourists, especially international ones. In the summer, this beach becomes the ideal rendezvous for numerous tourist cruises. Exploring Halong Bay without visiting Ti Top would be an incomplete and missed opportunity. It’s the cherry on top of an already stunning journey.

Sơn Hào Beach: Quan Lan’s Untouched Paradise

Ranked third among Quang Ninh’s splendid beaches is the captivating Sơn Hào Beach, located on the tourist island of Quan Lan. Here, an oasis of tranquility unfolds, an unspoiled wonderland largely untouched by human hands.

Stepping onto Sơn Hào, travelers find themselves immersed in a world gifted by Mother Nature herself. This haven boasts a 3-kilometer stretch of fine, pristine white sand caressed by the vast, cerulean sea. The romance and serenity of this place have the power to capture any heart.

Sơn Hào Beach
The name “Sơn Hào” evokes images of gently sloping shorelines, with tidal waters playfully kissing the adorable, petite beach beneath. Exploring this Quang Ninh beach, we cannot help but mention the ethereal bathing area at Sơn Hào—a place that allows us to temporarily set aside life’s haste and noise, returning to nature in its purest form.

What entices travelers here isn’t just the azure sea and white sands; Sơn Hào also boasts a diverse tapestry of flora. Coastal groves paint a romantic and idyllic picture along the shoreline. Imagine every morning, strolling on the beach, feeling the refreshing breeze, witnessing a brilliant sunrise over the sea, or sitting beneath the pine trees to marvel at the enchanting sunset. Aren’t these experiences truly unforgettable?

Sơn Hào Beach
Visiting Sơn Hào isn’t just about leisure and beachcombing; it’s also a chance to explore the rounded rocks, gaze at the mythical footprints on the rocky shores, and listen to captivating tales from the local fishermen. With the investment and development efforts of Quang Ninh province, Sơn Hào has now become an ideal destination, ensuring safety and quality for travelers. Therefore, it’s no surprise that this gem of nature has been recognized as a tourism standard. When you come to Quang Ninh’s beaches, don’t forget to visit and experience Sơn Hào—a precious gem of nature.

Tuần Châu Beach: A Man-Made Marvel by Nature’s Design

Situated a mere 8 kilometers from the bustling tourist harbor, Tuần Châu Beach is the crown jewel of the renowned Tuần Châu Island resort complex. This captivating strip of pristine, artificial shoreline stretches for 2 kilometers, its allure undeniable, like a melody sung by the waters of Quảng Ninh.

Tuần Châu Beach
Travelers are in for a treat when they choose to reach Tuần Châu by water, immersing themselves in the rhythmic embrace of the waves. Tuần Châu Beach glistens with its fine white sands, jewel-toned seawater, and gentle waves that soothe the soul, making it an ideal destination for family relaxation.

Under the lush pine canopies, relishing the flavors of the sea, travelers can also explore a myriad of water activities on Tuần Châu Island. From jet skiing to paddleboarding, rowing, or even fishing, each activity offers a fresh and exhilarating experience.

Tuần Châu Beach
As night falls, Tuần Châu Beach transforms into a dazzling, enchanting spectacle. The amusement zones, featuring unique attractions like dolphin shows, sea lion performances, and water music parks, promise visitors unforgettable and thrilling moments.

If you’ve ever visited Tuần Châu during its early days, you’ll be astounded by its rapid transformation and robust development. Tuần Châu Beach in Quảng Ninh is indeed a beautiful, unforgettable canvas etched in the hearts of travelers.

Vàn Chảy Beach Cô Tô: A Slice of Paradise in Quảng Ninh

When one thinks of Quảng Ninh’s beaches, especially in the context of Cô Tô Island, most travelers envision a tropical haven for relaxation. And Vàn Chảy Beach is an undeniable gem in this unspoiled natural tapestry.

Vàn Chảy Beach Cô Tô
Vàn Chảy Beach takes pride in its fine, white sands that stretch gracefully under the gentle sun. The mighty, rhythmic sea waves crashing against the shore create a natural symphony of grandeur. Moreover, the rocky formations at Vàn Chảy, bathed in the soft hues of twilight, paint a mesmerizing landscape, a compelling reason for all admirers of scenic beauty.

Furthermore, for those seeking respite from the urban hustle and bustle, this beach is the perfect choice. The sensation of lying under palm leaf umbrellas, gazing at the moon and stars, while listening to the powerful waves crashing ashore, will undoubtedly be an unforgettable memory for anyone.

Vàn Chảy Beach Cô Tô
If you’re in search of a truly unspoiled, unique, and vibrant destination, don’t miss the chance to visit Quảng Ninh Beach. Each beautiful beach here, as well as the beaches in Ninh Thuận, boasts its distinctive charm, but Vàn Chảy stands out with its perfect blend of azure waters, white sands, and majestic rock formations, making it an irresistible highlight.

Just imagine, after a long day of exploring Quảng Ninh’s beaches, you and your loved ones lying beneath a starry sky, gazing at the midnight sea, feeling the salty ocean breeze… You’ll realize you’ve chosen the perfect place to experience and savor the most memorable moments.

Soi Sim Beach: Nature’s Hidden Gem in Halong Bay

Have you ever dreamt of a tranquil getaway amidst the majestic beauty of Halong Bay’s wilderness? Look no further than Soi Sim Beach, a hidden gem nestled in the southwestern part of Halong Bay.

Soi Sim Beach
Not only does Soi Sim boast a unique and pristine marine ecosystem, but it also offers captivating panoramic views of the enchanting islands. Though located just over 10 km from Bai Chay Tourist Port, the journey to Soi Sim is worth every kilometer. Soi Sim Beach features fine white sand, crystal-clear waters, and pristine cleanliness. You can even spot schools of small fish frolicking in the sea, creating the perfect conditions for swimming, snorkeling, or even diving.

Beyond its natural beauty, the Soi Sim archipelago is renowned for its abundant Sim trees. This is why it’s named Soi Sim in the first place. Despite its small size, covering only about 8 hectares, it’s home to a plethora of Sim trees, creating a vibrant and picturesque landscape.

Soi Sim Beach
Today, Soi Sim Beach has developed and provides amenities for tourists. There are modern restroom facilities, waste collection systems, and freshwater bathing services. All of these ensure that you have a convenient and comfortable experience when visiting Soi Sim Beach.

But it doesn’t stop at the beach; Soi Sim Island also entices visitors with its breathtaking and lush landscapes. From the island’s summit, you can witness the entirety of Halong Bay, offering sweeping views of the world-renowned natural wonder in the southeast and northwest.

To explore and unwind on Soi Sim Island, you can easily book overnight cruises in Halong Bay with 2-day or 3-day itineraries. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Halong Bay and relax in the natural splendor of Soi Sim Beach.

Hon Gai Beach: Where Modernity Meets Nature

When you think of Quang Ninh beaches, you often picture grand scenes of serene blue waters, clear skies, lush greenery, and peaceful islands nestled in the vast ocean. However, Hon Gai Beach has transformed that traditional image entirely. This beach shines with a unique beauty, a fusion of modernity and nature.

Hon Gai Beach
Located on Tran Quoc Nguyen Street, Hong Ha, Ha Long City, Hon Gai Beach resides in one of the liveliest and most enticing areas of Quang Ninh beaches. It is considered one of the largest artificial beach projects in Northern Vietnam. This beach leaves a lasting impression not only with its vast expanse but also with meticulous investment. A project of up to 100 billion VND has transformed this place into a modern, internationally renowned destination.

Inaugurated on May 1, 2021, Hon Gai Beach stretches 900 meters in length and 185 meters in width. Here, visitors can immerse themselves not only in the cool and crystal-clear waters but also engage in a variety of exciting entertainment activities. One remarkable feature of Hon Gai Halong is its diverse climate, with each of the four seasons having its own unique beauty. Particularly, spring and summer are the two ideal seasons to explore the charm of this beach.

Hon Gai Beach
However, Hon Gai Beach is just a small part of the diverse landscape of one of Quang Ninh’s beaches. Tourists can also visit the Quang Ninh Museum, Quang Ninh Church, Hon Gai fish market, and seafood market to deeply immerse themselves in the essence and tranquil life of this place. With a wide range of recreational activities, Hon Gai Beach is sure to provide you with unforgettable experiences, allowing you to escape the daily hassles and blend into the modern and vibrant atmosphere of this “paradise.”

Van Don’s Bãi Dài: Nature’s Untamed Beauty

For many, the sensation of stepping onto Van Don’s Bãi Dài beach and gazing at the fine white sands under the gentle sunlight is an unforgettable experience. When we talk about “Quang Ninh beaches,” most people immediately think of famous ones like Ha Long and Tuần Châu. However, Bãi Dài in Van Don has always held a special place in the hearts of travelers.

Bãi Dại Vân Đồn
Nestled along the picturesque Bai Tu Long Bay, Van Don takes pride in displaying its pristine beauty through Bãi Dài. Every morning, under the azure sky and refreshing air, stepping onto the fine white sands of Bãi Dài means immersing yourself in the immensely majestic beauty of nature. It’s a painting of nature’s sheer grandeur with the scattered islets on the sea’s surface. It’s like a gem amidst the vast ocean, with mountain ranges embracing Bai Tu Long Bay, creating a dreamy and tranquil space.

Despite Quảng Ninh being home to many renowned tourist spots, Bãi Dài manages to maintain its natural, untouched beauty, undisturbed by the tourism hustle and bustle. Similar to many beautiful beaches in Hà Tĩnh, Vân Đồn Beach stretches over 2km with its pristine white sands and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Each step on the shore is an opportunity to fully embrace the romantic charm of nature.

Bãi Dại Vân Đồn
What’s more, Bãi Dài doesn’t just attract tourists with its stunning beach; it’s also an ideal escape for those seeking refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city. There’s nothing quite like lying on the beach, letting yourself be carried away by the cool weather, and gazing at the white clouds drifting in the deep blue sky.

Visiting Bãi Dài in Van Don, you not only get to enjoy moments of pure relaxation on this beautiful “Quang Ninh beach” but also get to experience and uncover the secrets of nature. Van Don, with its perfect blend of sea and mountains, is the ideal stop for every explorer’s journey.

Bãi Cháy Beach: Where Nature Meets Artistry

When mentioning Quang Ninh beaches, most people will immediately think of Bãi Cháy, an indispensable destination on your travel list. Behind the intricate bridge lies an icon of creativity and patience in engineering. This is a picturesque man-made beach nestled in the heart of Halong Bay.

Bãi biển Bãi Cháy
Unlike the grandeur of Halong Bay, Bãi Cháy carries a gentle and peaceful charm, like a graceful maiden. Although crafted by humans, Bãi Cháy still retains its natural, silky beauty with its white sandy shores and clear blue waters. What’s unique about Bãi Cháy is that along the coastline, you’ll get to admire the distinctive hotels and villas, each bearing the architectural signature of Quang Ninh.

Bãi Cháy is not just a place for relaxation; it also offers exciting experiences for sports enthusiasts and adventurers. Here, tourists can rent bicycles to ride along the coast, experience the thrill of beach driving with cars, or even fly kites on the beach. And don’t forget to savor seafood specialties at the beachfront cafes and restaurants.

Bãi biển Bãi Cháy
Bãi Cháy not only captivates tourists with its unique beauty but also with the stories and legends of national heroes who fought against foreign invaders. Strolling along the beach, under the lush green pine trees that stretch endlessly, tourists will feel a serene and refreshing atmosphere. Bãi Cháy is also an excellent spot for taking perfect selfies, thanks to the free Wi-Fi services available here.

In summary, Bãi Cháy, one of the most beautiful “Quang Ninh beaches,” awaits exploration. Here, you not only get to enjoy the majestic natural surroundings but also have the chance to hear tales of Vietnam’s glorious history.

Hồng Vàn Beach: A Hidden Gem in Quang Ninh

Among the countless renowned Quang Ninh beaches, there is a place that remains lesser-known but exudes remarkable beauty and romance, capturing the hearts of many Vietnamese travelers—Hồng Vàn Beach, nestled on Cô Tô Island.

Despite its remote location, Cô Tô continues to allure tourists with its pristine and untouched beauty. In particular, at the end of 2013, a project to bring electricity to the island enhanced the quality of life, offering visitors a more comfortable and eco-friendly experience.

Hồng Vàn Beach
Hồng Vàn Beach, with its charming name, stands out as one of the most beautiful beaches in Quang Ninh province. Hồng Vàn boasts cool, crystal-clear, and pristine seawater that paints a magnificent natural landscape. Notably, within the heart of the beach lies a primeval forest harboring numerous rare plant species, waiting for you to explore.

Hồng Vàn Beach not only features clear blue waters and fine white sand but also offers creatively designed wooden houses. Imagine waking up every morning, opening your door, and witnessing the sunrise emerging from the vast ocean. As night falls, enjoy the gradual descent of twilight. It’s an experience you’ll surely cherish forever!

Hồng Vàn Beach
Furthermore, if you crave adventure and wish to relish the beauty of nature, kayaking on the sea or diving beneath the ocean to admire the vibrant fish is sure to satisfy your adventurous spirit. As night descends, surrender to the gentle glow of hurricane lamps and savor a seafood feast amidst the wonders of nature.

If you seek serenity and wish to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life, Hồng Vàn Beach on Cô Tô Island is the perfect choice. Here, you will discover a tranquil haven, a paradise for stress relief after long, hectic workdays. Let your heart be enchanted and preserve unforgettable memories at Hồng Vàn Beach!

Quan Lạn Beach – Vân Đồn: Where Nature Meets Culture

Nestled within the enigmatic Bai Tu Long Bay and approximately 50 km away from Halong City, Quan Lạn Island is a hidden gem awaiting beach enthusiasts to explore. It seamlessly combines natural beauty with unique folklore. Two renowned island communes, Quan Lạn and Minh Châu, each boast stunning beaches like Minh Châu and Sơn Hào, names that have made Quảng Ninh beaches famous among many visiting tourists.

Quan Lạn Beach - Vân Đồn
Quan Lạn’s distinctive feature is its powdery white coastline. As you stroll along the beach, you’ll encounter picturesque rocky outcrops, sculpted daily by the lapping waves, creating mesmerizing formations. It’s undoubtedly an ideal place to capture unforgettable photographs. However, exploring these areas requires caution due to clinging oysters.

For adventure enthusiasts, Quan Lạn offers an unmissable experience. Challenge yourself with the roaring waves, immerse in the crystal-clear sea, and feel the dynamic and vigorous embrace of the ocean. After moments of communion with nature, surrender to the tranquility, relish the taste of the sea, and indulge in exquisite seafood.

Quan Lạn Beach - Vân Đồn
Above all, a visit to Quan Lạn offers a sense of rustic, untouched beauty and serenity, unique to Quang Ninh’s coastal splendor. It’s not just a vacation; it’s a journey to rediscover yourself, harmonize with the natural beauty, and savor every moment with your loved ones.

There’s nothing more sublime than escaping the city’s hustle and bustle, returning to the majestic embrace of Quan Lạn Island. It’s not just a stop on your Quảng Ninh beach exploration; it’s a place to create cherished memories.

Minh Châu Beach: Vietnam’s Hidden Gem

Minh Châu Beach, often likened to the “Hawaii of Vietnam,” is a hidden oasis nestled away from the hustle and bustle of mainland life. It boasts serenity, privacy, and a pristine natural environment.

Under the golden sunshine, the smooth white sands of Minh Châu Beach glisten like a delicate silk ribbon, caressed by the gentle, emerald-hued waves. This place not only showcases the majestic beauty of nature but also features diverse ecosystems with lush green forests and pure, refreshing air.

Minh Châu Beach
Especially during major holidays, Minh Châu comes alive with a vibrant and warm atmosphere, as visitors join in the festivities with the locals. From gathering around campfires, sipping wild pineapple wine, to dancing to folk music, and indulging in unique seafood dishes, every moment here becomes a memorable experience.

What could be more splendid than engaging in various beach activities and recreational sports, such as cycling along the shoreline, flying kites, or diving to explore the diverse marine life beneath the ocean’s surface? Minh Châu offers a plethora of picturesque scenes, making it a renowned spot for travelers seeking to capture surreal moments amidst this majestic landscape.

Minh Châu Beach
Furthermore, as the night falls, watching the sunset gracefully disappear beyond the horizon and savoring the delights of the sea will create an unforgettable experience. Visiting Quảng Ninh’s beaches, especially Minh Châu from April to July, is the ideal choice.

However, an essential note is to avoid late July to August, as it’s the typhoon season in the Halong Bay area. So, if you seek an untouched, tranquil, and breathtaking beach in Quảng Ninh, choose Minh Châu for your summer getaway.

Bác Hồ Beach – The Beach of Love

Nestled in the heart of Cô Tô town, Bác Hồ Beach is not just renowned for its fine white sands and crystal-clear waters. It also carries with it a rich tapestry of historical narratives.

This beach boasts an impressive stretch of 15 kilometers, attracting countless visitors due to its prime location and distinctive attributes. However, what truly sets this beach apart and makes it extraordinary is the Monument of Bác Hồ, erected here to commemorate Uncle Ho’s visit to Cô Tô. It’s not just a memorial; it also reflects the reverence and patriotism of the local inhabitants.

During the early morning hours, Bác Hồ Beach transforms into a mystical and enchanting place beneath the gentle morning sun. As you stroll along the sandy shore and witness the sunrise at this Quảng Ninh beach, you’ll sense the tranquility, serenity, and completeness of each moment. This isn’t just an ideal destination for beach enthusiasts; it’s also a repository of historical, cultural, and cherished sentiments. So, if you’re in search of a unique and meaningful “Quảng Ninh beach,” look no further than Bác Hồ Beach – where love and history intertwine.

Dau Rong Beach

Nestled in the heart of Cai Chien Island, within Hai Ha district, Quang Ninh province, Dau Rong Beach, with its 2-kilometer stretch of fine white sand and deep blue sea, has captured the hearts of countless travelers who find it hard to leave once they arrive.

Dau Rong Beach
Exploring Quang Ninh’s Dau Rong Beach offers travelers not only moments of relaxation on the shore but also the chance to partake in exciting activities. Especially noteworthy are the evenings when you can organize moonlit camping accompanied by a barbecue feast amidst the majestic natural surroundings. Imagine an evening by the campfire, savoring freshly caught seafood prepared by the island’s locals, and listening to stories about life in the coastal region. Such memories are bound to be etched in the hearts of every visitor.

Dau Rong Beach
Furthermore, when you visit Dau Rong Beach, you have the opportunity to explore Thoi Xanh Island by renting a small boat. Thoi Xanh Island not only boasts pristine beauty but also provides a panoramic view of the surrounding islands, such as Co To, Hon Vinh Thuc, and Hon Trui. Each moment spent on this “Quang Ninh beach” will make you feel like you’ve stumbled upon a paradise in the heart of the ocean.

Ben Hen Beach

Ben Hen Beach – a raw gem in the heart of Vinh Trung Island, Mong Cai, is not the bustling destination; it’s reserved for souls that cherish tranquility and seek solace in nature.

Stretching over 3 kilometers, this Quang Ninh beach boasts an expansive sandy shore, bordered by towering, lush green mangrove forests, caressed by the crystal-clear sea. Beyond its unspoiled beauty, visitors can delve into a diverse and rich ecosystem, creating an astonishing natural wonderland.

Ben Hen Beach
But Ben Hen is more than just natural beauty. Travelers here can experience a range of exciting activities. From exploring the harbor and learning about aquaculture processes to immersing in the lives of local fishermen. Picture a morning where you join the fishermen at sea, and by nightfall, on the white sands of Ben Hen Beach, you prepare freshly caught seafood. This is an experience that will surely be unforgettable!

When you visit Ben Hen, you’ll find that it’s not just a beach destination; it’s a place that offers unique experiences deeply intertwined with its culture and people.

Useful Tips for Your Quang Ninh Beach Trip

In addition to sunbathing and swimming, Quang Ninh’s beaches offer a plethora of other relaxing and enjoyable activities, including:

  1. Explore the Ocean through Scuba Diving: Have you ever dreamed of glimpsing the world beneath the waves, touching the marvelous coral reefs? Scuba diving in Quang Ninh will make that dream a reality!
  2. Soar Above the Sea with Paragliding: For adrenaline junkies, soaring through the skies of Quang Ninh and gazing down at the beaches from above will be an unforgettable experience.
  3. Experience Kayaking: Paddle your kayak, explore the wildest, most mysterious corners of the renowned Halong Bay. Let your soul merge with nature… why not?
  4. Immerse Yourself in Fishing Village Life: Don’t miss the chance to visit a fishing village, experience and gain a deeper understanding of the daily lives of fishermen on the islands.
  5. Try Night Squid Fishing: When night falls, you can test your skills in squid fishing aboard the fishing boats. And once you’ve caught them, you can prepare and savor the freshly caught squid right on the boat. An experience that will surely leave you longing to return!
  6. Get Lost in the Camping Experience: Imagine a night under the stars, listening to the sound of the waves, and immersing yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of beachside camping. It’s a surefire way to truly relax.

Golden Times to Visit Quang Ninh Beaches

  • Summer and Autumn – from April to September: You’ll relish the cool sea breeze, savor fresh seafood, and engage in various outdoor activities like kayaking and surfing. Especially, the period from March to May is ideal due to fewer tourists, providing more serene moments by the sea, perfect for those seeking tranquility.
  • June and July: These are peak times, so choose your dates wisely to avoid overcrowding. Please note that this season can bring storms, so stay updated on the weather forecast!
  • Autumn: Quang Ninh is still beautiful during this season, but with fewer visitors, you’ll have a more enjoyable experience.

Essentials to Bring When Visiting Quang Ninh Beaches

  • Personal Identification: Always carry your passport or ID card.
  • Skin Protection: Don’t forget sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses!
  • Footwear: Slip-on sandals for strolling on the beach.
  • Technology: Bring your camera and a power bank to capture beautiful moments.
  • Health Essentials: Prepare insect repellent and any necessary medications.
  • Personal Items: Clothes, toiletries, an umbrella, and a raincoat…

Accommodation Recommendations for Your Quang Ninh Beach Trip

  • On a Cruise: Experience Halong Bay with an overnight cruise.
  • On the Islands: Famous places like Cat Ba Island, Co To, and Quan Lan offer various accommodation options.
  • At Mainland Hotels & Resorts: There are many luxurious and well-equipped hotels.
  • In Homestays: Choose friendly homestays near the beach.

Delectable Must-Try Dishes

  • Bun Be Be: A hearty bowl of seafood-rich noodle soup.
  • Razor Clams: Quang Ninh’s unique specialty.
  • Crab Porridge, Sea Urchins, Horsehair Crab: Delicacies bursting with the flavors of the sea.

Travel Tips for Your Quang Ninh Beach Adventure

  • Plan Ahead: Book accommodations and tickets in advance.
  • Stay Safe: Always follow signs and swim in designated safe areas.
  • Healthcare Matters: Stay hydrated and protect yourself from harsh sun exposure.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Dispose of your trash properly and respect nature.

Above, we’ve compiled the 15 most beautiful beaches in Quang Ninh, along with some essential tips to make your vacation unforgettable. If you find this helpful, save our article to create your own travel checklist for your next trip. Additionally, you can explore more fantastic dining and travel destinations in Vietnam by visiting our cuisine and travel sections. Enjoy your journey!

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